Sunday 27 July 2014

Kit and Ruthie just Hanging out

Kit and Ruthie saw Isabelle's photoshoot yesterday and were so jealous, that they decided to hang out and take some snaps...

Kit loves taking pictures but also loves to be on the other side of the camera...

The wind was terrible today and Kit was devastated about her hair... Poor Kit

 What is she doing now?

Kit says she looks better in selfies than Ruthie taking her pic... Oh Kit

 Finally Ruthie gets to take some pics, Kit just loves being in pictures. Honestly I think she likes being in pictures more than taking them... :)

Oh Kit more pictures of you???

Hope you enjoyed the American girl doll Kit and Ruthie Photoshoot

1 comment:

  1. I love Kit's dress! I really want to buy it for my Julie! My favourite picture is the second from last one - it made me laugh! Kit pushing in front of Ruthie!

